BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT - Psychology Applications & Developments X
– ISSN (electronic version): 2184-2019
– ISSN (printed version): 2183-2854
– We are glad to announce that the book entitled “Psychology Applications & Developments X”, edited by Prof. Dr. Clara Pracana (Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal) and Prof. Michael Wang (Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Leicester, United Kingdom), has been published by inScience Press.
– This book consists of the results of the research and developments conducted by authors focusing on Psychology and its multi-disciplinary connections.
– Click on the thumbnail to freely access and download the book. For further information, please contact us through email.
BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT - Education Applications & Developments IX
– ISSN (electronic version): 2184-0210
– ISSN (printed version): 2183-2978
– We are pleased to announce that the book entitled “Education Applications & Developments IX”, edited by Mafalda Carmo (WIARS, Portugal), has been published by inScience Press.
– This book consists of the results of the research and developments conducted by authors focusing on Education and its multidisciplinary connections.
– For further information, please contact us through email.
BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT - Psychology Applications & Developments IX
– ISSN (electronic version): 2184-2019
– ISSN (printed version): 2183-2854
– We are glad to announce that the book entitled “Psychology Applications & Developments IX”, edited by Prof. Dr. Clara Pracana (Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal) and Prof. Michael Wang (Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Leicester, United Kingdom), has been published by inScience Press.
– This book consists of the results of the research and developments conducted by authors focusing on Psychology and its multi-disciplinary connections.
– Click on the thumbnail to freely access and download the book. For further information, please contact us through email.
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